truck transmission diagnostics
truck transmission trouble codes Transmission Diagnostic Troubleshooting information for Allison transmissions, Aisin transmissions, and Ford 5R110W transmissions In Medium and Heavy trucks including Isuzu NPR and NQR trucks, Ford LCF and International CF 500/600 trucks, Mitsubishi Fuso trucks, Nissan UD trucks.
Check out our newest addition to technical information:
Aisin AS68RC service manual / Aisin A465 service manual

Have you ever needed to retrieve Allison trouble codes or diagnose an Allison world transmission? How about an imported truck transmission? Isuzu NPR /NQR, Mitsubishi Fuso, Nissan UD, Ford lCF and International CF trucks? Have you found it frustrating to find information on how to get the diagnostic information required to successfully diagnose why the transmission light is on, or why the truck/transmission won't move or work correctly? and how to retrieve transmission trouble codes?

Here's the answers to your problems!  we can give you the specific information by Truck/Transmission model on how to retrieve transmission trouble codes without any expensive tools or software, and trouble code definitions, and transmission troubleshooting information. Use the menu  according to the type truck or transmission you need information for. ( Specific Truck pages have Transmission Identification information on them)

Are you looking for diagnostic help that may not be electrical related? and or have no transmission trouble codes? if so please see our  Tech Tips page for some free tech tips/diagnostic answers that may be of some help. For anything else you cant find here, or to contact please contact us at:

Tech Questions we welcome any questions regarding diagnostic troubleshooting for automatic truck transmissions. ASE certified technician will respond via E-Mail within 24 hrs weekdays.

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